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Geoteric webinar: AI Fault Interpretation - guaranteed results even in challenging seismic data 

Thursday 8 December  | 14:30 GMT |  15:30 CET | 08:30 CST


Interpreting challenging seismic data is one of the largest problems faced by our customers. In order to visualise the 3D structural complexities of the subsurface, they require a 3D solution that only Geoteric AI Faults - 3D Networks provides. The 3D neural networks rapidly and accurately identify subtle structural features such as small-scale faults that are invisible to the human eye, even in challenging data. Having an enhanced understanding of the structural features in the subsurface allows our customers to make more informed decisions either pre-drill or post-drill based on new information.


Along with global case studies, Abdulqadir Cader, Senior Geoscientist will demonstrate how Geoteric AI Faults - 3D Networks:



    • Is the only solution to solve 3D geological problems even in very complex, challenging seismic data.
  • Guarantees fast, accurate results, straight out-of-the-box in complex geology.
  • Rapidly and accurately identifies small-scale faulting that is invisible to the human eye but can have a huge affect on production and safety.
  • Is a customer-hosted solution with easy-to-use workflows that can be easily integrated with existing systems.

Register for the webinar here