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Installation instructions

Windows Installation

To install Geoteric on Windows, simply double click on the Geoteric installation .exe file. The wizard will take you through the steps of installing the software.
After installation, please ensure you add an exception to your anti-virus software for the Geoteric installation folder and all of the files within.

Discontinued support for Windows 7 in 2021

Linux Installation (RHEL 7)

RPM Installation – To install Geoteric using the RPM simply double click on the Geoteric .rpm and it will extract the files. Click on the Install button. You may be prompted to log in as root if you do not have root access to continue the installation. The installation box will close when completed.

TAR installation – Right-click and select extract to extract the Geoteric folder to a location that has full read & write permissions for the current user. Geoteric can now be launched by typing ./geoteric in the console from inside the Geoteric folder.

Discontinued support for RHEL 6 in 2021